RPSC 1st Grade Teachers Syllabus Subject-Wise Syllabus

RPSC 1st Grade Teachers Syllabus: The RPSC First Grade Teachers Syllabus is now available on the Rajasthan Public Service Commission’s (RPSC) official website. It is recommended that candidates thoroughly go over the comprehensive syllabus for every paper and subject. The test consists of two papers: Paper I covers broad studies and awareness, while Paper II concentrates on the candidate’s particular field of study. The most recent RPSC First Grade Teacher syllabus for the preliminary and main exams is broken down here. The entire syllabus for the 2024 RPSC First Grade Exam is covered in this post.

RPSC 1st Grade Teachers Syllabus
RPSC 1st Grade Teachers Syllabus

RPSC 1st Grade Teachers Syllabus

Candidates’ knowledge and teaching skills are evaluated in two main areas by the RPSC 1st Grade Teachers Syllabus. Candidates are tested on subjects like history, geography, politics, and current affairs in the RPSC First Grade Paper-I, which focuses on general awareness and general studies. The subject-specific RPSC 1st Grade Paper-II assesses candidates’ proficiency in their selected field, such as science, math, or English. The first grade teacher post in Rajasthan requires candidates to have both a thorough command of their specialized topic and broad general knowledge, which is ensured by this extensive syllabus & RPSC 1st Grade Vacancy 2024 Notification.

RPSC 1st Grade Teachers Syllabus 2024: Overview

To fill 2202 openings for the post of School Lecturer (1st Grade Teacher), the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) is holding the School Lecturer Recruitment 2024. The jobs are spread out throughout several locations in Rajasthan. Please refer to www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in, the official website, for additional information.

RPSC 1st  Grade Teacher Recruitment 2024
Name of RecruitmentRPSC School Lecturer Recruitment 2024
Name of the DepartmentRajasthan Public Service Commission
Name of the PostSchool Lecturer (1st Grade Teacher)
RPSC 1st Grade Teacher Vacancy2202 Posts
Application ModeOnline
Job LocationAcross Rajasthan State
Official Websitewww.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC 1st Grade Teachers Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern

It is recommended that candidates thoroughly study the RPSC 1st Grade Teachers Exam Pattern 2024 in order to comprehend its format, allocation of marks, and marking system. It is important to remember that guessing answers is not advised because the exam has negative grading. A third of the marks will be subtracted for each wrong answer. Please see the tables below for more information.

RPSC 1st Grade Teachers Marking Scheme

There are two papers in the RPSC First Grade School Lecturer Syllabus, and each has a unique format. There are 75 questions in Paper I, which is worth 150 marks, and 150 questions in Paper II, which is worth 300 marks. According to the negative marking policy, two marks are given for each right response on both papers, and one mark is subtracted for each wrong response. Paper I lasts for one and a half hours, while Paper II lasts for three hours. Candidates must receive at least 40% on both papers in order to be eligible.

RPSC 1st Grade School Lecturer Syllabus
Total Marks150 Marks300 Marks
Total questions75 questions150 questions
Marking Scheme2 marks is awarded for each correct answer⅓ marks deducted for each incorrect answer2 marks is awarded for each correct answer⅓ marks deducted for each incorrect answer
Negative MarkingYesYes
Duration of Examination1.5 Hour3 hour
Minimum Qualification Marks40%40%
SubjectsHistory of Rajasthan and Indian History with special emphasis on Indian National MovementMental Ability Test, Statistics (Secondary Level), Mathematics (Secondary Level), Language Ability Test :- Hindi, EnglishCurrent affairsGeneral Science, Indian Polity, Geography of RajasthanEducational Management, Educational Scenario in Rajasthan, Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Senior Secondary LevelKnowledge of Subject Concerned: Graduation LevelKnowledge of Subject Concerned: Post Graduation LevelEducational Psychology, Pedagogy, Teaching Learning Material, Use of Computers and Information Technology in Teaching

RPSC 1st Grade Teachers Exam Pattern for Coach

Paper-I is worth 150 points and takes 1.5 hours to complete for the RPSC First Grade Exam for the Coach job, while Paper-II is worth 300 marks and takes 3 hours. Both papers use a marking scheme that deducts one mark for each incorrect response, meaning that both are subject to negative grading. Each paper must have a minimum score of 40% to be passed.

For Coach
Total Marks150 Marks300 Marks
Marking Scheme⅓ marks deducted for each incorrect answer⅓ marks deducted for each incorrect answer
Negative MarkingYesYes
Duration of Examination1.5 Hour3 hour
Minimum Qualification Marks40%40%
SubjectsHistory of Rajasthan and Indian history with special emphasis on Indian National Movement.Mental Ability Test, Statistics (Secondary level), Mathematics (Secondary level), Language ability test: – Hindi, English.Current AffairsGeneral Science, Indian Polity, Geography of Rajasthan.Knowledge of Physical Education & Sports.Sports SciencesGeneral Theory and Method of Training.Specific Knowledge of Games/ Sports and its current affairs.

RPSC 1st Grade School Lecturer Exam Pattern for Physical Education

Paper I of the Lecturer of Physical Education exam has 100 questions and 200 marks, while Paper II has 130 questions and 260 marks. Both papers use a marking scheme that applies negative marking, with ⅓ marks deducted for each incorrect response. Each paper takes two hours to complete, and passing requires a minimum score of 40%.

For Lecturer of Physical Education
Total Marks200 Marks260 Marks
Number of Question100 Questions130 Questions
Marking Scheme⅓ marks deducted for each incorrect answer⅓ marks deducted for each incorrect answer
Negative MarkingYesYes
Duration of Examination2 Hour2 Hour
Minimum Qualification Marks40%40%
SubjectsGeographical, Historical, Cultural and general knowledge of Rajasthan.Current Affairs of RajasthanGeneral knowledge of the world and India.Educational PsychologyGeneral Knowledge of Physical Education of Secondary and Senior Secondary standardGeneral knowledge of sports and Physical Education and current affairs.Theories, definitions and History of Physical Education.Education and Games Psychology,Methods, Supervision and Organizations of Physical Education.Theories of Training and Decisions.Science of basic Physical Anatomy, Function and Health Education.Entertainment, camp and Yoga

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